Solar Circulation Groups
Mod. Novasol 6000 - NOVASOL DUO
Cod. 19905564
NOVASOL DUO 6000 solar circulation group guarantees the correct flow-rate and an adequate prevalence of carrier fluid in solar panel sy- stems. Consisting of the supply and return branches of the solar circuit, the group, in addition to the basic functionality, also integrates accessory functions such as thermometers, nonreturn valve, safety functions, flow read / adjustment and manual de-aerator. The special design, compact and functional, integrates the possibility to pre-set the SEITRON control unit mod. ELIOS 25.
Easy to install and top performance.
1 - Solar system NOVASOL DUO 6000 + NOVASOL MONO 6010
2 - Double solar collector
3 - Sanitary water heate
4 - Gas boiler only heating
5 - Heating circuit

The Product
NOVASOL DUO 6000 serie solar circulation group guarantees the correct flow-rate and an adequate prevalence of carrier fluid in solar panel systems.
The groups constitute the supply and return branch of the solar circuits, ensuring the functions necessary for operation.
The groups include the system shut-off valves with thermometer and non-return valve. It is possible to exclude the non-return valve in case of system maintenance. Integrated there is the safety group with a safety valve suitable for solar systems, connection for the expansion vessel and the plant manometer. Complete with flow meter, available on request in different calibrations. And with connections for loading / unloading the circuit. On the delivery line the manual de-aerator which allows the system to be vented without the need to go to the roof.
The group is supplied as standard with Grundfos UPM3 Solar ErP-Ready circulator, settable with constant curve or PWM.
On request, different circulators can be supplied, for hydraulic characteristics or energy efficiency.
Innovative design and compact dimensions characterize the protection covers of the solar circulation group. Molded in solid PPE with a density of 45 Kg / sqm, it guarantees the protection of all the functional elements of the product as well as a high level of thermal insulation.
The NOVASOL DUO 6000 version can integrate the control group of the ELIOS series SEITRON.
Easy to install and top performance.